
on freud and cats

rule #1 of cat lady club: If your cat is affectionate, it’s broken. get a new one (or a dog).

people may have mistaken me for many things and i’ll let them have whatever they want, but there’s 1 thing that i’ll always correct: im not a dog person. i love animals and i have dogs and I love them very much, but i’ve always been a cat lady.

anyone who’s a real cat person will know how big a commitment it is to adopt a cat (and if your cat’s face doesnt look like your own face and he doesnt reflect all ur worst personalities, u dont know shit abt cats). because unlike dogs, who will always love u even when u leave them at the vet for months to travel (there’s little to no effort to commit to something that needy), cats will make sure u have to earn their trust back. they love u, they do, but they have to see it from u first, miles away. and what greater commitment there is than one devoted to such a detached creature? u’ll always have to second guess, whether they’re mad at u or not, whether they want food or water or just want u to pet them, or when they’ll leave u again. and just when u think u finally figure out the pattern, they change it, just for the sake of being an asshole, and because they know they had u at the first meow.

my settling for dogs is similar to people settling for a safe partner: a loyal one who is predictable and will make u feel less lonely. people categorize themselves into different “attachment styles” (whatever the fuck that means), but nothing can beat the dynamic between human and cats. i will never be able to resist the top of the world feeling anytime a cat “chooses” me, and even tho i know the fucker doesnt really think anything of me and he just settles for me at the moment just because, i’m always ready to humiliate myself in front of many people in desperate pursuing of a cat’s attention. the one in this picture is black and u can’t really see him sitting next to me but no other incidents can create that level of joy on my face.

committing to a cat is a huge thing, but committing to living without one is even harder. and living with a dog instead is like replacing all the mirrors in your life by a therapist.

i dont love Freud or psychoanalysis, but his house is all a cat lady (and her 10 cats and 1 or 2 annoying dogs) can dream of.